Someone just DM'd me 'Have you been on Heather Havrilesky for a while now?? I feel like everything I read from her is like, β€œthis is the best thing I’ve ever read". I feel like you mentioned her a long time ago' and I got to say "YEAH HOMIE BEEN READING HER SINCE THE FUCKIN 90s" so thanks for giving me that Dubai taco feeling of being a real culture connoisseur.

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SAME #Suck.comForever

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It’s a vibe. IT’S. A. VIBE.

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This essay made me sweat. Unhinged perfection. No notes. Period.

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Shit! How do I change my vote from Fuck AI to Jesus you're hot, then to Take the money but back again to Fuck AI?

That's how I feel.

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"I’m drinking some flat municipal water right now and it tastes great."

^is how I want to answer the phone.

Loved all of this!!!

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New Substack revenue stream: Molly’s Family Recipes. Ka-ching. No more listing ingredients for free, young lady.

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"Do not humble yourself, ever. First you’re humble, then you’re smoking a cigarette outside an AA meeting. Don’t go there." woah that escalated quickly!! back to Dubai - back to Dubai.

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β€œYou speak without hesitation, you slay, you ate, period, no notes, no cap, no crumbs.” Best sentence ever. The β€œno cap” sealed it. πŸ˜‚

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HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA Dubai tacos πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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The funny part is that I've been to Dubai several times and there actually is a restaurant called 'Bara B' serving a dish called Dubai Tacos! I didn't have them, but I recall wanting to order them as I was reading the menu. By the way, instead of chickpeas they had beans and... I am joking ❀️

That was my 2025 joke, also coming from my renewed excellent gut ✨ I think I love you!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this -those 7 to 9 books, I'm with you

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beautiful and chaotic read, felt urgency and also resolve

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Ah Excellent Excellence! Most I have grinned all day. Thank you!

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BrilliantπŸ˜‚ captures the time, relatable AF & funny!

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That swings fucking hard lady! goddamn goddamn goddamn

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Thank you for sharing your friends' gofundme links. So much devastation there. I also have three separate friends who lost everything, and probably a few more that are quieter on the socials. Hug everyone you love and maybe all the people you can tolerate okay and SHOW UP for each other. XOXOXOX

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