Just a quick note of appreciation for being, as far as I can tell, the only bastion of sanity on the internet.

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This is great! I'm right on the cusp of Gen X and Millennial so I'm always oscillating between "this is my neurodivergence" and "I'm a brat full of nonsense". I think both are true in some ways. It's like having binocular vision.

Also, isn't it amazing to be friends with women who are different than you, and you can delightfully mooch off of each other's strengths? Not only is it NOT a competition, it's actually a collaboration! Everyone gets to be weird and make interesting flavor combos with each other!

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I oscillated between those two feelings also (fellow X-ennial here) until I almost had a total nervous breakdown and a medical professional confirmed that it was, indeed, neurodivergence. But...sometimes I AM a brat made out of nonsense. A true "Why Not Both" moment!

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Eve’s Manifesto (if she’d had better advisors (like u)):

“Lose your shame...you’re like Eve in the G of E, naked & eating alllll of the gd fruits...Lose that shame. Drop it in the dirt.”

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I love this so much. At 43, I’m still working on the shame divestment and sticking with my BS - these posts help move that shit along.

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The white tea is also such a good scent.

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So Good So Good So Good!!!!! Your turns of phrase (as if that's what it would be called?) is like,well, Delicious!!!! I so enjoy reading your work...it's like a sweet,tart apple for the mind.....

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