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Dear Ghosted, I want you to know that the intense waves of existential pain, neurosis, and paranoia happen to some degree for anyone who has lost a job for whatever reason. This is a hellish rollercoaster with which freelancers are all too familiar.

If you get “treated like shit” however, that may be a “you” problem. I’ve found that having extremely clear expectations makes things go much more smoothly. Setting expectations is your opportunity to elevate you and the people with whom you work. Meet your own expectations.

Back to the unbearable screaming intuitions. Sometimes intuition can be amazing. But more often than not, they’re cages you made to trap other people in your own reality. You poke them in those cages and say, “see! They’re animals!” Nobody in a cage will ever surprise you with who they are.

Sorry if this seems like babble, I tried to condense it from a wall of text. I recognize your frame of mind. So many of us have experienced it. I hope you can strengthen your boundaries so that people can not anger you, but merely disappoint at worst. Like she said, never take anything personally. That’s solid fucking advice.

As for waiting and pining for callbacks...be patient. You never know why they haven’t called. Maybe someone died. (Happened to me)

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