How refreshing to read these musings first thing in the morning, from a stranger who feels very familiar and quite similar to me. Almost as life-affirming as coffee. Thank-you.

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deletedMay 2, 2023Liked by Heather Havrilesky
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Hmmm, I like this but I also I want to fight about it. I am starting to only read books by people I suspect are intensely taxing in real life. By intensely taxing of course I mean DELIGHTFUL AND TERRIBLE.

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Also don’t nonfiction and fiction seem slightly different on this front? Nonfiction requires you to be strange out in the open and resist the urge to make yourself look heroic.

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I like this idea about not being heroic. Though, it could be considered heroic to merely survive the kind of life that makes one troublesome. And still, being strange, and having lived only to end up doing unusual and quirky, sometimes irksome things then writing about it, is no guarantee of an interesting read. Perhaps there is value in craft after all. Hey, am I breaking the strike by commenting?

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