For me personally, this one started something. https://askmolly.substack.com/p/hunger

When this one came along, wow. https://askmolly.substack.com/p/bow

More recently, this one knocked me over. https://askmolly.substack.com/p/homecoming

But really, the whole publication seems to me to be a kind of transformation log. It's still the first thing I open when it drops in my inbox. Sometimes it's the only thing I'll open.

I suppose I should be embarrassed to fanboi this right out in public, 'Ask Molly' is a quintessential Substack. So no, I don't believe you when you say you want to give it up. How could you? It's you. Still, I'll miss you when you're gone.

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Oh yeah, those are all super good ones!

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Not me tearing up at my construction job

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I always read Ask Molly right away, but I did a search for "ask molly" in my free write docs and found this sentence from 2020: "I read ask molly today and felt understood."

It was this one: https://askmolly.substack.com/p/end

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I read this several times a month, and I cry every time. https://askmolly.substack.com/p/everything

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I keep coming back to this one about Gods. It makes me so sad but energized at the same time:


But also for cutting existential snark, this recent one absolutely slays:


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this is librating... thank you for this amazing piece

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Wow <3

I did love the immature wild child I was a few years ago, in some ways I am not better now, and in some ways I am. The guys I dated had flaws, but were wonderfully magic, and there is no reason to paint them as the bad guy.

Thank you for this <3 Needed it today.

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Heather, I have a goddam EVERNOTE file with my favorite gut-wrenching cold-sweat Ask Molly excerpts. This is testament to your voice and your vision. All that said, if you need to end it, end it. But they are appreciated, loved and cherished - every single one.

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I wrote myself a note that "Molly got amazing and heartbreaking in Nov 2019."

Here are my faves:


https://askmolly.substack.com/p/courage - of this one I saved this bit, and my own personal continuance....

Molly: "I’m using my feelings to pull all logic apart like taffy, stretching it into dangerously sticky cobwebs. Everything I’m feeling right now is a dangerously sticky cobweb. You’re not afraid because you don’t understand my power as well as I do."

Andrea: "You should be afraid. Not of me. Not of yourself, exactly. But perhaps of things that will well up in you as a natural consequence of the bubbles floating up from my deep reservoir of raw wet darkness. Be afraid that your own pulsing ventricles will disrupt your calm life. Your clammed up shell. Accept my grit. Be irritated, and get to work on that pearl. I'll be back, expectant."

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Wow, this makes me tear up, too. I resonate so much!!

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This embodies ‘Traveling back in time to tell my younger self absolutely nothing because she is perfect’

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Zepplin III has an unmatchable power and influence, I listen today in awe of how it holds my attention still. Thank you for the reminder.

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That was a sonnet-and-a-half!

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Ah brilliant and beautiful thank you. Yes to dorito dust and Led Zeppelin...!

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I’m inspired toward a rant of my own. Calling bullshit on misplacing my passions, on being “good” and “selfless,” calling bullshit on judging me and anyone else. Yes to the ginger ale! I toast this!

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For sure

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