That therapist’s convo guidelines are helpful for potentially hurtful subjects, but not general ones. Ffs, conversation relies upon people contributing! So a question like “should I tell a co-worker their spouse is cheating” - sure, run it through those guidelines. Maybe they don’t need to know, or don’t need to know *from you*. But my god, if we’re chatting about birds, please, PLEASE digress. I want to know about the weird bird that shit on your cat that one time. I want to know *why* you like birds, and if you worry about the impact climate change will have on them, and about mean bully birds. That therapist sounds boring as fuck.

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I was just thinking the same! I could imagine those guidelines being useful in tense situations - the family Christmas dinner is what came to my mind - but the rest of the time I appreciate the people who are “obnoxious” as they get interesting or outrageous conversation going.

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This is why we love you.

Don't ever change.

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Yess all the bird noises. I love talking about birding and its obsessiveness probably just for the fact that it lends itself well to obsessiveness. I know how to identify like...maybe 5 actual birds.

My level of obnoxiousness directly correlates with how in love with life I am (and at other time how anxious I am). Whether or not and by whom it's appreciated by...that's another story 😝 I really feel what you said about the wanting of it being received / opening spaces. Deeply. Thank you for that.

There was a section in the book The Eloquence of Silence (ha) by Thomas Moore that I read recently - it was about how certain kinds of excesses can be a form of emptiness, and while I have no clue what that zen-like sort of parable means, I like it.

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I think you're right. A very good indicator of how in love with or fearful I am about life in any given moment.

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I laughed so loud at "And if I’m being honest, I think that anyone who sets the bar that high on speaking words out loud probably doesn’t have nearly as much amazing shit to say as I do." Keep it up!

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I decided I needed to spend a weekend alone after a very trying week (I'm a teacher), and this piece has me wanting to invite all of my friends over, drink vats of wine and blah blah blah for hours on end. Thank you for this <3 I often feel like I'm obnoxious, too. I will keep on going.

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"I have ... looming questions about your current methods of prioritizing what’s important in your life."

YOU AND ME BOTH, she said, fighting not to suffocate or drown in her own sadistic mind.

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Waiting for G and C

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Extra! Extra! Be all about it!

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Just yesterday I was singing in my kitchen, experimenting with vocal improvisation (which I have become MUCH better at as I’ve aged, incidentally [is it the fact that by now I’ve just listened to SO much music that I’ve finally learned which notes go together, or have I become a musical genius at age 50…hard to say]), and my (impressed) daughter took a video to send to her friend. The friend had nothing to say, oddly enough.

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your idea of obnoxious is my idea of creative - whatever you call it, it's a virtue, not a flaw

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I LOVE THIS and hereby will be living it even fucking louder thank you for speaking my truth.

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This is a refreshing and honest take on the value of self-expression. I agree that we shouldn't censor ourselves or conform to the expectations of those who prefer small talk and superficial interactions. Blah blah blah is not just noise, it's a way of sharing our unique perspectives and passions with the world. It's a way of being fully alive and authentic. I think more people should embrace their inner blah blah blah and let it out without fear or shame. Thank you for being brave and inspiring me to do the same.

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you change my life every time i read your words, thank you for being a GOD

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I love this. Blah blah hurrah.

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YES YES YES to blah blah blah YES

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Blah, blah blah is my whole way of life. 💖

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Got to love her >>>

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